Sam was twelve years old, part German Shepherd and part Lab.
He passed away years ago after getting sick on Christmas Eve.

We took him to an emergency animal hospital and had to leave him.
Christmas night about six o'clock in the evening, we called to see
if he was well enough to come home.

The vet said he died about thirty minutes before and had a
been in a lot of pain.

We went and got him...

placed him under the
Christmas Tree he loved...

with the only present left under the tree.
He stayed there thru the night and the next morning...

we held him in our arms...
after a really good cry and hugs and kisses...
we took him home to the country...
said our goodbyes...
buried him next to his brother.

Grief is something that comes into every life and
we each handle it differently.

Sam was a great friend...
it was so sad he died alone...

We would have given anything to have been with him.
We are sure he held to life hoping we would come.

Sometimes life comes at you...
thru you...
over you...

but life goes on....

Hits: 2897


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